- 伊朗新浪潮电影导演Majid Gharizadeh作品DVDBOX之一,马基迪出道几乎与莫森马克马巴夫同时,都是在伊斯兰革命之后,他也是伊朗新浪潮第二代的重要导演之一,但却一直被莫森和阿巴斯的光芒掩盖,在国际上知名度不算太高,作品也比较罕见。这套DVDBOX收录他自1982-2002年来拍摄的全部8部长片,都是非常难得一见的佳作。
- Born in Salamanca in 1961, Ricardo Iscar got a degree in Law and then decided to go to Madrid to start Image studies at the Complutense. But he went even further when he finally end up by being a Berlin based DFFB (Deutsche Film-und Fernsehakademie Berlin's diplomate as he finished BADU. Stories from the Negev desert (…