搜索 Rasmussen

  • 这个故事发生在一个女子寄宿学校,由于一个天体现象-金星将会来临。上级教育部门(我称为:董事会)为了防止天体现象对女子寄宿学校的那些漂亮的处女的影响,特别委派Ole S?ltoft带去一种抑制性欲的激素药粉给寄宿学校的女孩们,在阴错阳差中,一种发情药粉和抑性药粉,被调错,而且被撒到小镇水库里,这引发了一系列的意外闹剧。最后,寄宿学校…
  • 一艘长达30英里带有神秘起源的外星人造物在我们的太阳系中用一种未知的技术漂浮着并逐渐接近地球。这艘飞船内部有什么?它是由谁建造的?在我们银河系那些不为人知的角落中它有什么企图?黑人影星摩根·弗里曼将成为揭秘本次事件的关键人物。这部根据著名科幻小说作家亚瑟·克拉克的杰作《与拉玛相会》改编的同名电影将由《七宗罪》和《搏击俱乐…
  • 电影
    天寒地冻的极地冰原,一对北极熊夫妇正在雪白的大地上艰难前行,它们即将迎来新生命,彼此的心中充满欢喜。可就在此时,饥饿的狼群紧追不放,北极熊夫妇虽侥幸逃脱,但却永远失去它们的孩子。与此同时,一间孤零零伫立在冰原上的小木屋内,爱斯基摩猎人的妻子正幸福地为刚刚来到世上的孩子唱 歌,猎人则喜悦的为儿子取名小熊。为了抚慰失去孩子…
  • 由二十五个成员国的导演各拍五分钟片段,表现个人观点中欧洲的现在与将来,突显它的自由文化及多元创意。老牌大师杜艾尔怀念恬适的农园生活,中生代如格连纳韦、郭利斯马基演绎历史记录遗民而不失个性。东欧新客心情特别复杂,经济悬殊与种族偏见,使他们怀疑、焦虑、绝望。
  • A group from a ten to sixteen-year-old Danish educational center breaks the rules there and goes to an uninhabited island in a stolen boat. When the boat disappears, they are left to themselves, and their holiday turns into a nightmare: peer pressure, serious violence, accidents. But for some of them also an experience…
  • American CIA Field Operative, Johnnie Allen, is assigned to Denmark for his first mission. An American spy highly placed in the Kremlin is to be spirited out of Russia, and it is Johnnie's job to get him safely to Antwerp where the agent will board a freighter. Johnnie, who is a young gay man, meets and falls in love w…
  • The location shooting was carried out under extremely tough conditions with temperatures down to 70 degrees centigrade below zero. The cast and crew had to stay in a camp near the ice cap and sleep in tents raised on the bare ice.
  • Torben's father and farmer Jacob make a trade. Jacob gets a gearbox and Torben's father gets peace: Torben must be at farmer Jacob on the farm the rest of his summer holidays. It was Jacob never have done!
  • 本片的特色是导演丽·拉丝姆森同时也是本片的主演。本片的故事背景是1999年科索沃战争时期的马赛,讲述了一个非法移民到马赛的塞尔维亚和阿尔巴尼亚的混血女人的生活和困扰她的有关战争的地狱般的经历。