- 在即将成为新郎的前一天,乔斯伴着剧烈的头痛醒来,发现一具尸体躺在身边。突然被人带去了前俄罗斯国家芭蕾舞演员威拉德,威拉德是一个不折不扣的同性恋,他号称自己不见了20千克的可卡因,一口咬定是乔斯偷的。威拉德给乔斯24小时的时间,让他在午夜之前把白粉还回来。自此,乔斯便开始了非常糟糕的一天,可他根本不记得昨天发生的事情⋯⋯
- Set in the most unconventional and most upscale university campus, two young men will compete for the sole honor of being the Campus King.Ben Martinez has already won the title 3 times.Samuel Quirino is the new student who gets easily noticed and becomes the challenger for the title.When Sam becomes a tough competitor …
- Popeye is abducted by Martians who conduct a series of hideous experiments on him, but thanks to his copious spinach supply (4 cans), all the experiments fail.
- Herman, the city-slicker mouse (looking like a cross between James Cagney and Lee Tracy) visits his barn-mice cousins in the country. There he sees that the barn also has a cat, and Katnip the Kat, is one mean dude who has put most of Herman's relatives on crutches and in slings, and even dispatched a couple of them to…
- At a Sydney girls’ school, music director Karen Carey prepares her young students for a concert at the Opera House. Believing in the transformative power of great music, Carey insists upon a classical repertoire, sets a dauntingly high per…