- 陈凡(赵聪饰)与陈星(沈芳熙饰)在台湾的爷爷(梁家仁饰)无意中得到了关于故乡永春《白鹤拳108式拳谱》的画卷,为了追根溯源,将这国宝级的文物归还故里,爷爷让孙女陈凡将画卷带回永春县参加一年一度的“永春白鹤拳文化节”,并借活动的契机将画卷捐赠给文化节的主办方。可陈凡下飞机,就遇到了一股隐藏的恶势力,古董商人(汤镇业饰)和管…
- The short film is named Sorette Dakara ne! after the 38-member idol group AGC38's official song. It is set in the classes of the Musashi Asahigaoka Girls' Academy that the girls attend.
- This film tells a mysterious story set in a run-down house where an old and weird lady lives alone. Until one day, a little girl steps inside the house and never comes back. The girl seems to be locked inside the house for 8 days. No one knows what is going on in the house except for a young doctor who witnesses everyt…
- 以意大利高级时装品牌 Gucci 为题材而拍摄的时装电影《The Director》首波预告片于日前曝光。电影将会连续 18 个月日夜跟随品牌的创意总监 Frida Giannini,揭露在 Gucci 的时尚王国里所发生的一切鲜为人知事情,包括 Giannini 的丰富设计灵感来源,模特儿进行试镜及面试的过程等都在电影被逐一披露,让观众仔细了解 Frida Gianni…