搜索 Raül

  • 你看过吗
    Avez-vous déjà vu... ? (Have you ever seen...?) is a weird French animated series. Each episode lasts one minute or less, and presents something that you have probably never seen. Like spitting houses. Or a Space soap opera. Or a serial-ki…
  • After breaking up with Norberto who ran away to Iceland, Bruno wants to find him. Arnau, a local tour guide in Reykjavik, will enroll in his search. Their trip will become a grieving process until they reach the remote island of Grimsey.
  • 別家電視台要的是醜聞加緋聞、裸體加屍體,抓鬼實境秀主持人山姆追求的則是冤魂、邪靈和尖叫 聲,要收視率和腎上腺素一起飆升。   但說鬼容易捉鬼難,八股的故事以及千篇一律的特效機關,連膽小的觀眾也留不住。為挽救即將被 腰斬的節目,山姆和團隊決定前往墨西哥知名鬼宅展開精采大秀,沒想到鬼宅威力名不虛傳,開腸 破肚的屍體來真的,他們…
  • The morning after his homecoming party from his last tour in Afghanistan, a Spanish special forces soldier wakes up besides the corpse of a young woman, who is not his fiancée. Desperate to find his girl he decides to look for her knowing that he could be accused of a murder that seems like the perfect setup.
  • 一部趣味横生的喜剧,究竟该当「他」?还是「她」?Manuel是个男儿身内心却住著女性的灵魂,每天晚上在酒吧扮装演出,是名深受欢迎的扮装皇后。Manuel的女性好友因为一夜情而意外怀孕,Manuel只好假扮为她男友及未出世小孩的父亲,与她的父母亲见面。他惊讶的发现,友人的父亲竟是每天到酒吧捧场的熟客,这下他该如何应付...?
  • 年轻姑娘胡安娜对歌星加德尔情有独钟,为此嫁给了外貌及演唱风格酷似加德尔的酒吧歌手伦索。为使丈夫成为像加德尔一样的歌星,胡安娜在表兄怂恿下,陪伦索到国外演唱,但在演出时中途受挫,胡安娜返回故里,伦索只身来到麦德林。正在麦德林进行巡回表演的加德尔因感情问题放弃了演出,使一贫如洗的伦索有机会代替加德尔登上舞台。正当伦索为观众…