The true story of the childhood of Juan Jose Moreno Cuenca, a Spanish delinquent and criminal known as "El Vaquilla" (The Little Cow) who became somewhat of a folk hero and modern day Robin Hood in Spain.
曾带来“美丽心灵的永恒阳光”、“科学睡眠”等众多奇幻佳作的米歇尔·甘德瑞最初仍打算拍一部科幻电影——一群小鬼搭乘错误的公车穿越到错误的未来;然而最终交出的成品“The We And I”却是具有强烈写实风格的黑色喜剧,对种族肤色、校园霸凌都有现实的写照。本片入围戛纳电影节导演双周单元。“The We And I”讲述纽约黑人区布朗克斯的一群高…
When Lauren disappears from a night club and doesn’t return home the next morning, her mother, Michelle, to avoid publicity and a scandal, decides to search for her missing daughter. Michelle soon discovers that her daughter might have bee…