- Aspiring fashion entrepreneurs present their companies to several investors in hopes to gain a deal and grow their businesses.
- On the run after blowing the whistle on dirty cops, Detective Anita Nicholas is drafted into Special Tactics.
- A young girl suspended in the water of a dingy bathtub, three tiny goldfish suffocate in a girl's hand- these are the first images of Fishbowl, a film written and directed by Julie Wiles. The young girl is Sadie Shipley a mousy and contemplative girl who runs the fishbowl game with her father in a traveling carnival. T…
- 动画分为两部分,一部分主角是卷岛裕介,另一部分主角是东堂尽八。卷岛篇主要讲述了卷岛虽然加入了总北高中自行车部,可是他独特的技术并不为大家认可,由此引发的故事。《飙速宅男》是渡边航创作的漫画,于秋田书店杂志《周刊少年Champion》2008年第12期开始连载。至2014年4月为止,已出版漫画单行本33卷。2012年漫画決定改编为舞台剧,201…
- 陈筱薇的创作包括录像、绘图和绘画。她探索自然环境、灾难、人类思想,以及这三者之间的紧密关联。她最近专注于大幅绘图和绘画。生于1978年,陈筱薇毕业于北京印刷学院,目前生活和工作在波士顿。她曾在波士顿美术馆学院担任客座讲师,2007年获得波士顿杰出艺术家大奖,2011年成为纽约著名的ISCP当代艺术中心第一位华人驻场艺术家,期间创作的十…