搜索 Reb

  • 一部关于果戈理。他说Vakula的创造的故事中陪作家创意生活困难和神秘事件。该薄膜的显著部分以叙述者(由O.Yankovskoho饰演) - 他不平行的两维实况屏幕仿佛 - 作为我们现代和当代的果戈理。叙述者试图更接近解开果戈理的神秘天才。影片再现了人民废墟的气氛和灿烂的演员,如K.Stepankov,N.Krachkovska和P.Zahrebelnyy进行呈…
  • The Honourable Elizabeth Montagu, writer, actress, musician, film dialogue director, linguist and lover, evaded the clutches of the Gestapo by escaping to work as a secret agent for Alan Dulles and the British Secret Service during the war.
  • Wounded by a recent divorce and haunted by a tragic event in his childhood, Eddie returns to his hometown hoping to pick up the pieces of his broken life. Unable to cope, he attempts suicide and winds up in therapy, where desperate to fill the void in his heart he falls for Amy, a mysterious and young wild flower. But …
  • Docu drama that combines interviews with reconstructions to tell the story of Pope Francis’s rise to the Vatican. - See more at: http://www.tvmole.com/2015/11/greenlit-rebel-pope-nat-geo/#sthash.3fKyjdnv.dpuf
  • 二次大戰是人類史上規模最大的戰爭,卻因為一名無名英雄,得以提早結束。電腦發明的緣起,竟然也與他有關--當年因從事情報工作,必須隱姓埋名的艾倫圖靈,因為好萊塢電影「模仿遊戲」而重新為世人認識;本片則深刻勾勒他如何和德國鬥智,破解德國引以為傲的密碼機「恩尼格瑪Enigma」。Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician a…
  • On the night before Christmas, encounters with monsters and misfortunes will have some people running for their lives and others landing on the "Naughty" list.
  • Chris Evans hosts a spectacular concert staged at the iconic Horse Guards Parade in London, forming the centrepiece of the national celebrations for the 70th anniversary of VE Day. From the declaration of war through to the celebrations on VE Day, the show captures and reflects the spirit and mood of the nation at that…