搜索 Reck

  • 电影记录
  • 八岁的乔纳森和父亲到森林中旅行,父亲意外重伤。为了安抚父 亲,乔纳森克服了自己对黑暗的恐惧,超越了自我。
  • 世界上大多数养猫的人都能通过宠物的眼睛窥见动物的野性。这部纪录片着眼于家猫和它们的野生表亲们,以及它们的祖先之间,在行为上隐约可见的关联。镜头特别勾勒出这些相似之处,并向所谓的“主人们”(如果猫真的认“主人”这一说的话)解释他们在看宠物时究竟看到了些什么。本片利用一系列狮子和猎豹等大猫在狩猎、玩耍和交配的镜头,并将其与…
  • DieFremden-EinmalimJahrkommensieaufdieErde
  • Lawa is a screen adaptation of Dziady (Forefathers' Eve), a nineteenth-century verse drama by Adam Mickiewicz. The work depicts Poland under the Russian rule during the nineteenth century, interweaving political and personal drama with a semi-pagan rite during which needy souls communicate with the living on the night …
  • Hi8Resurrectio
    Teaser (01:14)   Trailer (01:42)   7 Kurzfilme:   - Fütterung der Raubtiere (11:26)   - Herzstück (05:41)   - Interimere (15:50)   - Raum der Ausschweifung (14:54)   - Tote reden nicht (06:05)   - Vergeltung (10:50)   - Weihnachten (…
  • 电影冒险
    【小象的故事】(Whispers: An Elephant's Tale)是迪士尼于2000年推出的一部作品,完全是由非洲野生动物主演,工作人员到野外拍摄实景之后,再根据剧本的故事发展来进行剪辑、配音的工作,才终于完成了这部作品。本片的故事叙述有一只名叫Whispers 的非洲象宝宝,才刚刚学会走路就在一次逃亡意外中跟母亲Gentle Heart 分散了…
  • 1961年嘎纳电影节金棕榈提名,斯洛伐克新浪潮的先声。The May 1961 premiere of The Song of the Gray Dove (Piesen o sivom holubovi, 1960) directed by Stanislav Barabas (1924-1994) marked the start of filmmakers' use of ideologically unassailable themes (in…
  • Disaster lies over Castle Darkwood. While the castle owner is still fighting his imminent death, the family is already fighting over his heir. Shortly before his death, he changes his will to the benefit of his daughter, who should continue the girls school in the Castle, and his granddaughter Gwendolin, who shall inhe…