- Lawa is a screen adaptation of Dziady (Forefathers' Eve), a nineteenth-century verse drama by Adam Mickiewicz. The work depicts Poland under the Russian rule during the nineteenth century, interweaving political and personal drama with a semi-pagan rite during which needy souls communicate with the living on the night …
- Teaser (01:14) Trailer (01:42) 7 Kurzfilme: - Fütterung der Raubtiere (11:26) - Herzstück (05:41) - Interimere (15:50) - Raum der Ausschweifung (14:54) - Tote reden nicht (06:05) - Vergeltung (10:50) - Weihnachten (…
- Disaster lies over Castle Darkwood. While the castle owner is still fighting his imminent death, the family is already fighting over his heir. Shortly before his death, he changes his will to the benefit of his daughter, who should continue the girls school in the Castle, and his granddaughter Gwendolin, who shall inhe…