搜索 Reeve

  • The amazing and varied sounds of Thailand from rice field to leftfield. The film shows nine non-mainstream musicians, deeply-divided between their love for the country and the city, but sharing a struggle to be true to their artistic integrity alongside the demands of the contemporary music industry.
  • Adventurer and journalist Simon Reeve heads to east Africa to uncover the stories behind the nation's favourite drink. While we drink millions of cups of the stuff each day, how many of us know where our tea actually comes from? The surprising answer is that most of the leaves that go into our everyday teabags do not c…
  • 欢喜山第一季
  • TheGeorgiaGibbsShow
  • 西蒙·里夫畅游地中海
    Simon Reeve embarks on an epic journey around the Mediterranean, the birth place of western civilisation which attracts more than 300 million tourists a year - and is once again at the heart of global conflict.
  • 慵懒上班族
    这些上班族最终都是懒散的,但这并不能怪他们。人身伤害事务所的工作并不能带来太多乐趣!These office workers are the ultimate slackers. Thoguh we can't blame them, it can't be much fun working in the post room of a personal injury law firm.
  • 电视剧剧情
    卡拉·苏扎(《逍遥法外》)将主演亚马逊新剧《主席》(El Presidente),聚焦国际足联FIFA的丑闻,共8集。帕布罗·拉雷恩(《追捕聂鲁达》《第一夫人》)的制片公司Fabula制作,阿尔曼多·博(《鸟人》《美错》)执导。基于2015年国际足联丑闻,从一个三流智利足球俱乐部主席Jadue的角度来探讨这一事件:他在臭名昭著的前国际足联第一副主席、阿根廷足…
  • 春天的希望
    《春天的希望》(Hope Springs)是BBC推出的一部八集迷你轻喜剧,讲述四名「活力四射」的女骗子试图改邪归正、重新做人的故事。故事的主人公Ellie、Hannah、Josie和Shoo计划在「金盆洗手」前最后再狠狠捞上一票,然后就去巴巴多斯的美丽海滩度过余生。她们选择的目标是Ellie那位心狠手辣的黑帮丈夫--她们打算偷光他所拥有的300万英磅!糟糕…
  • 西蒙·里夫游加勒比海
    Simon Reeve travels around the islands and mainland coast of the Caribbean Sea, taking in the people, places, and stories that makes this region so exotic and exciting. Coming to BBC Two in Spring 2015.
  • 海底王国