- The story is centered in and around the ficticious mining town of Newby and the experiences of 2 sisters and their husbands during the strike of 1984/85. Michelle is married to Gary and Linda's husband is a local policeman. In the early days of the strike the men's respective jobs have little effect on them personally …
- Smart and savvy detective Anais Mallory (portrayed by Chelsie Preston-Crayford) returns to her hometown, Queenstown, in South Island, New Zealand and is met with a series of startlingly different homicides. She has to crack the cases while also picking her way through a backdrop of past ghosts.
- Ten years after his death, the Paris Opera Ballet payed tribute to the American choreographer who considered the Paris Opera as his second home after New York City Ballet. The three pieces performed here illustrate not only the diversity of the choreographer’s repertoire and sources of inspiration, but also his love of…