搜索 Renato

  • This extremely obscure Italian production tells the story of a modern day neo-Nazi youth gang that meets in a place decorated with swasticas and a poster of the "Führer". The members of this gang are all bored teenagers from rich families. One of the gang prefers playing pin pall to getting a girlfriend, beca…
  • Prata Palomares is a product of the "Cinema Novo" movement in Brazil, which sought to create a truly Brazilian approach to filmmaking. In this hallucinogenic, violent film, two guerilla warriors (Itala Nandi and Renato Borghi) appear in the middle of an unknown military skirmish. Their quest is to return to m…
  • 故事关于人的激情与嫉妒,贪婪与欲望,根据一个模糊的当地传说改编。卢西亚诺(Luciano)生活在19世纪末20世纪初的偏远意大利村庄里,被斥为"疯子、贵族、圣人和醉汉"。因同掌权者与贵族的冲突被流放至火地岛,卢西亚诺在无情的淘金者及螃蟹的帮助下,寻找神秘的宝藏。然而,在这些贫瘠的土地上,只有贪婪和疯狂才能盛行。
  • 前线组织是20世纪70年代活跃在意大利的激进政治组织,在这个组织相信,国家有危险的右倾倾向,而他们为此意图筹备军事行动,并在迫不得已情况下使用暴力。塞吉奥是一名左翼分子,爱上了前线组织的一名女同志,随着时间的逝去,他对一直奋斗不已的信仰开始逐渐丧失热情……看点:又名《冲锋队》,影片基于真实事件创作,2009多伦多国际电影节官方…
  • The most vicious serial killer of the 21st-century manipulates LA Detective's Jack Donaldson and Steve Sabbia as they become part of his twisted plan. Seeking revenge against the world's ignorance of his self proclaimed filmmaking brilliance, his gruesome crimes are broadcast live on the Internet creating mass hysteria…
  • Women wait anxiously at a minehead in Capodarso, Sicily. Their men are underground. The mine is closing and the miners refuse to come up unless the owner relents. After three days, they give up in despair... In a bar in town, Ciccio is recruiting workers for jobs in France. He can get people over the border - for L20,0…
  • After 20 years of marriage, Ana Lúcia and her husband Fábio decide to get a divorce. Fábio, however, decides to move to an apartment across the street, in front of the window of his former apartment - where Lúcia still lives. Both will ha…
  • 电影