搜索 Renne

  • 故事发生于美国和墨西哥接壤的边境地带,这里常年活跃着各个暴力团伙。巴蒂(克里斯·马奎特 Chris Marquette 饰)的父亲是负责管理这一片区的警察,在这里做警察,意味着随着都要面临死亡的威胁。这一天,巴蒂亲眼看着父亲受到黑帮的袭击,在自己面前死去了,愤怒之中,少年发誓一定要为父亲报仇,并且最终真的手刃了仇敌。巴蒂还有一个弟弟雅…
  • one of the best 3 A M movies everunder the right circumstances this movie is what epitomizes not a B but a C movie and sometimes you just have to appreciate that style. having seen it once at 3 in the morning while doing what graduate students do at 3 in the morning I was amazed at how bad the dialog was (MST3K materia…
  • Rod Steele is a low-budget international spy, in the James Bond vein. Armed with a remote control device that causes people to become extremely horny, he must battle super-villain Tangerina, who wants to capture the sperm of the world's most powerful men and create an army of sex slaves.
  • The Wooden Gun takes place in Tel Aviv in the early 1950s. In a clear-eyed fashion that would have been impossible in a film made by "outsiders", the plot details the conflict between native-born Israelis and the newly arrived European refugees. The various fears and prejudices of the adults are passed along …
  • 电影动作
    ◎简  介在法国南部的马赛发生了一件惊天动地的谋杀案,凶手故布疑阵把现场弄得像是自杀,而唯一知道内情的人却失踪了。这个城市的紧张气氛正逐渐升高中,马赛俨然已经成为歹徒的犯罪天堂。有两名超优的警察-葛梅兹和塔雷斯,被一起授命来“清扫”这个城市。葛梅兹是从巴黎被派到这里来支援,他是一个以骁勇善战、积极干练闻名的警探。他总是…