- Just in time for the elections, Lewis Black returns to take on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
- 凯瑟琳娜大帝正处于权力的巅峰,当被奴役的人民在他们的专制统治下流血时,贵族们效仿他们的沙皇,沉溺于猖獗的暴行。人们给她起了一个绰号:圣彼得堡的妓女凯瑟琳娜,这并非没有道理。
- In the early 60’s, Roberto Rossellini, the father of Italian Neo-Realism, steps away from the “classic” movie industry in order to start an ambitious project of television productions. The filmmaker wants to offer his contemporaries new w…
- As 'Swede' as can be- One of the finest, funniest and most touching TV-series about childhood ever!It's the warm, compassionate and laugh-out-loud funny tale of a young brother and sister growing up in a small town in the south of contemporary Sweden. The main focus is on Ebba and Didrik's tentative ventures into love-…