搜索 Riann

  • Description: Premiere of this production: April 25, 2007Libretto by Modest Mussorgsky, based on Alexander Pushkin’s play of the same nameSung in Russian.Presented with three interval (with Sokurov explaining the process of work on the play…
  • Made in 1976, Young Dr. Freud examines the life of the father of psychoanalysis through the lens of his own ground-breaking theories. Questioning the character of Sigmund Freud at integral points in his development, director Axel Corti and screenwriter Georg Stephan Troller invert the psychoanalytic model and place the…
  • An organization is threatening to infect the world with extreme cannibalism. Watch as America attempts to survive this ordeal through the government's lies and treachery.
  • 电影剧情
    当我还只是十三岁时,1941年春末的那一天,我初次见到了她那一天,墨索里尼向英法宣战,而我,得到了生命里的第一辆脚踏车。  她,撩著波浪状黑亮的秀发,穿著最时髦的短裙和丝袜,踏著充满情欲诱惑的高跟鞋,来到了西西里岛上宁静的阳光小镇。她的一举一动都引人瞩目、勾人遐想,她的一颦一笑都教男人心醉、女人羡妒。玛莲娜,像个女神一般,…
  • 据Flora Rhea Schreiberie在1973年的小说《女巫》(Sybil)改编,描述了一个化名Sybil Dorsett的女人心理治疗的故事。她被诊断为分离性身份认同障碍,兼具16种人格……
  • 理查德·德赖弗斯饰演一名对自闭症儿童很有办法的心理医生杰克,当他在事业和婚姻上都遭遇低潮时,却受邀协助调查一宗离奇的谋杀案。一对夫妇血腥死亡,只有两名目击证人,患自闭症的九岁儿子,以及防卫性极强的十八岁女儿。杰克以他独特的治疗手法跟男孩渐建立关系,也使得案情开始露出头绪,不料却将他们带向了死亡边缘。
  • 电影恐怖
    Two lesbian vampires (Marianne Morris and Anulka Dziubinska) lure people into their castle to prey on them.
  • 电影剧情
    本片根据澳大利亚钢琴家戴维•赫尔夫戈特(David Helfgott)的真人真事改编。生于犹太人家庭的戴维(Alex Rafalowicz 饰)自幼便展现过人的天赋,他的父亲望子成龙,逼迫戴维苦练钢琴,甚至不切实际地让儿子挑战号称“世界上最难演奏的作品” 《D小调第三钢琴协奏曲》。戴维在父亲的阴影下苦不堪言,而父亲为防止家庭破裂又千方百计阻止儿子外出…
  • 影片展现在一个房间中,3个监狱外来的平民与来自戒备高度森严的四级牢房的犯人们接触,一起参加一个4天的心理治疗。过程中,每个人都必须深入挖掘自己的过去,他们逐渐走出内心的安全区域,彻底撕下自由人与囚犯彼此心灵之间的障碍和偏见,了解到他们的内心。这4天让囚犯们看到希望,也让来自监狱之外的人以不同的角度,真正了解自己的人生。
  • Follows the events of Iran hostage crisis of 1979 and people who were held as hostages in the US embassy in Tehran, Iran for over 400 days.This is a great docudrama about the Iranian Revolution and hostage crisis of 1979. It gives you a better understanding of what led to the deterioration of diplomatic affairs between…