搜索 Riann

  • Lina生活在战火蹂躏下的贝鲁特,她与姑姑家的女仆Sihan成为了好朋友。Sihan让她了解到真正的生活,但当Sihan向她提出逃离这个城市的要求时,两人关系开始受到挑战……
  • Wajda's most underrated film ever. Made in sombre manner displays the fragment of the history of Poland when Soviets and their local adherents overtook the reign in country.Betrayal, infiltration, invigilation, deception wins. Heroes are now villains and villains are heroes. Best role of Cezary Pazura as a delirious sc…
  • 电影
    Two paparazzi reporters explore the dirty social dealings of the local high society while at a party.
  • 电影恐怖
    7个大学生走捷径来参加派对,不幸地,她们最后去了Wormwood镇,那是一个不知道在甚么地方的“迷失” 的镇。那里气氛古怪而邪恶,大街上有古怪和骨头的装饰。当地有个传说,100年前的万圣节前夕,一个疯狂男子折磨镇上的年青人,砍下她们的脑袋,居民为报复而砍掉疯子的脑袋。每隔7年,他就会回来报复,会砍下7个年青人的头,现在无头骑士以大学…
  • 塞萨利平原被群山环绕,一直为希腊农民提供食物。但最近,由于经济危机,该地区已触底。伊莱亚斯是一个农庄,有33个居民,没有商店,没有学校,甚至没有牧师。这就是一位名叫克里斯托斯的农民决定把他的土地交给有机种植西红柿的地方。在他表兄亚历山德罗斯家的后面,这些西红柿经过巴氏杀菌处理,然后由村里的妇女手工包装成番茄酱和食物。很快…
  • Zoey, an up and coming mixed martial arts fighter, gives up her dream of fighting in a worldwide mixed martial arts tournament to fight in the seedy, underground world of mixed martial arts fighting after her father is killed by the Russian mob associated with the underground fighting world. She battles a lot of fighte…
  • The film tells the story of the last known group of women who survived being held in the Soviet-era forced labor camps called Gulag. The Gulag was a brutal system of repression and terror that devastated the Soviet population during the regime of Joseph Stalin and was first described by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in "…
  • 一名退伍军人,为三个孙子讲述他在第二次世界大战中的冒险历程:救人、藏宝
  • 有车有楼,父母更终日不在家,宁年仅十多岁的他,拥有着所有青少年梦想中的生活。可是,他却丧失了任何生存的动力,他兄长自杀身亡,从此离开人世。一名离奇朋友出现,令他在毫无心理准备的情况下,改变了他的一生。纵容在色恋及酒精的生活中,两人出乎意料地找到了生命中的平衡点,了解到了生命的真正需要,寻找到了生存的意义。