搜索 Rife

  • 76分15秒,代表了去年刚逝世的电影大师阿巴斯的生命,共经历了76年15天。导演、摄影大师、阿巴斯的人生挚友Seyfolah Samadian在其去年逝世后,集结多年和阿巴斯相处的各种素材集中剪辑,完成了这样一部纪录片。影片向我们展现了阿巴斯如何捕捉我们往往忽视的生活细节和精益求精的态度,必定会给热爱电影,摄影和美学的观众带来启示。
  • 电影生活
  • 'Journey of Hanuman' preserves moments still existing in India that have not been disturbed by globalization and are connected with the antique spiritual knowledge of India. I wanted to link such scenes with two great poets: Octavio Paz, the famous writer, noble prize recipient of Mexico, who served as Mexico's ambassa…
  • 阿里相信他的女友的灵魂转世到了一头羊身上。阿里、他的羊还有他的朋友易卜拉欣为了颠覆诅咒,横跨埃及,开始了一段有关友情与发现自我的旅程。
  • A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken captive by Castro.
  • The film follows what happens when a good man does a bad thing for a good reason. He tries to right a wrong by freeing two young lovers but instead forever entraps them to their mortal coils. In the end their collective love for each other will give an almost perfect stranger the wings to fly.
  • 动漫
  • 电视剧喜剧
  • The biography of the famous mexican waltz composer Juventino Rosas