- MORTUARY MASSACRE is a gruesome Horror Anthology that centers around Detective Giger's (Todd Brown) debriefing of several mysterious deaths, all taking place on Halloween night. The local mortician (Carl Crew) tells Giger the backstories behind three particular victims, each of them filled with plenty of gore, sex and …
- Mario Latona, (Frank Montero) and his crew are young kids with a passion for crime. Mario dreams of becoming a real gangster like his Uncle Frank, (Alfredo Nasti) an under-boss of the local mob chapter, but in order to do so he has to operate under his uncle first. Taking place in New York's,"Little Italy". F…
- When the writer Sir Terry Pratchett died in 2015, he was working on one last story - his own. But Terry's Alzheimer's meant he never got to finish it.This poignant and humorous film starring Paul Kaye as Terry finally tells the story of this hugely popular author, creator of Discworld, whose books have sold over 85 mil…
- When he wins $5000 in an essay contest for a breakfast cereal, small town reporter and amateur aviator Elmer Lane becomes a target for con man Doc Waddington. After the naive newsman involves gullible local businessmen in the scheme, and they discover they've been flim-flammed, his credibility with his friends and fian…
- 这是雅尼在袓国希腊雅典卫城的现场演唱会,广大的露天演奏场地,俯仰帕德嫩神庙,除了雅尼和他自己团体的组员外,尚有请到皇家爱乐管弦乐团助阵 (Royal Philharmonic ConcertOrchestra),气势浩大。开场单曲就令人有置于另一空间,观看星际大战的辽阔感;3/4拍子的灵活运用展现出浓郁的希腊风情;93年专辑《我的时光》中的推荐单曲也安排在这次…