搜索 Riley

  • 善良的美人魚安妮打破了海神的鐵律,從暴風雨肆虐的海洋中,解救了一名船長的女兒。來到陸地上的安妮,遇上了自私的海盜、固執己見的船長、以及脾氣暴躁的海島巨人。難道人類真如海神所說的危險嗎?當船長再次需要她伸出援手之際,美人魚必須在背負海洋世界的叛國罪,以及從兇惡的海島巨人手中救出人類新朋友,這兩者之間做出抉擇。安妮是否有辦…
  • Ritchie is a Glaswegian chancer with low hopes and no prospects. Disillusioned with city life, he goes undercover at a Highland conservation centre to make his fortune as an illegal pearl fisher with the help of his two hapless and accident prone mates, Danny and Fraser. Here he meets Beth, a pretty English conservatio…
  • In 2010 while finishing the documentary, SENSE OF SCALE, Berton Pierce started pre‐production on his first feature film, ADVENTURADOS. His desire was to make a “fun” sci fi dramedy about two characters. After four years of gathering the bu…
  • Best friends Emily and Lesley decide to take a road trip to get away from it all. When Email makes a decision to turn off the busy highway and on to a desert road all hell breaks loose. They soon find themselves the target of a mysterious tow truck that forces them into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, turning their …
  • 电影剧情
    布兰顿(希拉里•斯万克 Hilary Swank 饰)来到法奥斯城,成为了当地的大众情人,很受女性欢迎。然而他却有着不为人知的隐秘——俊男本是女儿身。“他”的真名叫蒂娜,一直对自己是个女性缺失认同。他喜欢成为男性,并决定来到这个陌生的城市开始新角色和新生活。布兰顿和当地女孩拉娜(科洛•塞维尼 Chloë Sevigny 饰)恋爱了,还和拉娜的前…
  • Jack, Victor and Winston are three old men living in a hi-rise in Glasgow, one day the lift breaks down and they're stuck in Victor's flat until it's repaired. As they wait for the lift to be fixed, they discuss sex, death, family and neds. But is Victor really as skint as he says he is?Written by Anonymous
  • 奇怪生物
    澳洲同志影展参展作品 关係疏远的兄弟Nate和Ged不禁要放下宿怨而遵照母亲遗愿将其骨灰撒在小镇家乡。在灵车穿州过省时,他俩都因为过去酿成的麻烦和Ged的自毁行为而又一次陷入痛苦的回忆当中。当连串不幸事件发生而令他们的行程生变时,Nate意识到纪念母亲的唯一方法就是面对那些分离他们的鬼魂。在面对共同历史的痛苦真相时,兄弟俩最终可能有…
  • 电影
    It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world she's ever known.