搜索 Rim

  • 电影动作
    北少林棍僧智明(李连杰 饰)为报父母之仇,日日苦练功夫,他天性纯良聪明,深得师父器重。这天,智明收下的一班顽童“徒弟”向他报信,声称退隐多年的赫索王爷再度出山摄政,智明听闻杀父仇人消息怒发冲冠,随即下山为赫索祝寿伺机行刺。与此同时,和智明一样与赫索有血海深仇的莆田南少林俗家弟子司马燕(黄秋燕 饰)亦北上刺杀赫索,南少林派…
  • Sayre Hoyle is a single and strikingly beautiful interior designer, enjoying success in San Francisco after running away from her Louisiana hometown, where her family still resides, a decade ago. When she learns of her brother's unexpected death, Sayre returns to her small town to attend his funeral, and revisits the s…
  • GEA是一个生活在另一维度的女神,她通过自己的智慧和耐心创造了一个星球,这个星球和她的生命相连,拥有雪山、火山、沙漠、森林……创造完这一切,GEA感到疲惫,沉入火山中休息,等她醒来的时候,星球的一切都被改变了!短片制作者是一群动画专业的学生,该片获得多项短片大奖,包括环保届颁发的奖项。
  • Sebastián has a talent for picking locks, and that's the only reason his supposed friends put up with him. The gang breaks into industrial buildings and dockside warehouses in and around Lima. It's a grim life as a petty crook, which Sebas…
  • 35岁的教师古尼斯(Günes)是一位单亲妈妈,为了给予孩子们更好的未来,她带着三个女儿从家乡伊兹密尔搬到伊斯坦布尔,与一个爱上了她的神秘富翁结婚。古尼斯和她的女儿们面对新生活,会发生些什么样的故事呢?
  • It narrates in a near-future Tokyo the wild love affair between Dirka, a Japanese-Brazilian girl who works as a nightclub hostess to pay for her ailing Japanese father’s debts, and Vadim, a young Russian drug delivery driver. Dirka yearns to return to the vaguely remembered Brazil of her youth. Vadim is sunk by remorse…