- 凌晨三点之曼谷鬼故事是由一部电影和一个10集连续剧组成,电影部分分为三个小故事分别为:高速公路,一夜情以及电视直销,十集连续剧分别为:DJ,护士,小偷,画家等组成,每集时长大约为45分钟。主要讲述的是在凌晨3点一天中最为恐怖的时段,人类被鬼、恶魔、凶灵不断缠身的恐怖故事。
- Geza von Bolvary made a few very good films. This early sound film (it premiered in Berlin on October the 12th, 1930) is one of them. "Das Lied ist aus" (The Song is Over) is based on a script by Walter Reisch and accompanied with music/songs by Robert Stolz. Add - in this case - actor Willi Forst, and you ha…