- '1971', though deals with the Indian prisoners of wars in Pakistan, it isn't a film that would only appeal to Indians but to the world. One of the most finely crafted films of recent times, '1971' scores high on every department. Though the plot is fictitious, this movie does raise the question of what happened to the …
- D.K. Malhotra lives a comfortable lifestyle with his wife, Indu, and two school-going daughters, Pinky and Minni. He works in the office of an Architect. One day while the family is relaxing, D.K. gets a phone call that results in him bringing home a young school-going boy by the name of Rahul. Indu is shocked to learn…
- 根据印度大史诗《摩诃婆罗多》中大英雄迦尔纳与难敌王的之间广为流传的友情改编成的现代黑帮题材故事。被未婚母亲抛弃在火车上的Surya,从小在平民窟长大。一次出于义愤打死了作恶多端的高利贷债主,因而触怒了当地黑帮首领Devaraj,被捕入狱。然而当得知手下的恶行后,Deva主动纠正错误,救出了Surya。二人从此之后成为生死之交,一起锄强扶弱…
- 宇宙有翼骨兽格兰达出现在了宇宙空间里。Super GUTS和戴拿奥特曼都在战斗中落了下风。千钧一发之际,TPC极密制造的战舰普罗米修斯号出现,救下了戴拿。 几天后,在克利欧莫斯岛召开了普罗米修斯的说明会。Super GUTS前去参加,见到了开发负责人如月泪博士。普罗米修斯号是靠人类的思考数据来模拟人的行为进行战斗的,为了获取数据,她希望能…