- 美好的周末假期,野原新之助(矢岛晶子 配音)和爸爸广志(藤原启治 配音)一起去看机器人的科幻电影,走出电影后的父子俩兴奋地大玩合体游戏,谁知广志却不慎扭伤了腰。忍受不了老婆的碎碎念,广志去医院看病,可是周末医院休诊,父子俩只得来到公园休息,结果还被妈妈团赶了出去。当父子俩走在回家路上的时候,色色的广志被一家按摩店的美女招…
- “More Than Robots” follows four teams of teenagers from around the world as they prepare for the 2020 FIRST® Robotics Competition. Get to know teams from Los Angeles, Mexico City and Chiba, Japan as they work towards the goal of taking th…
- 2019年,现代科技高度发达,机器人普及到人类世界的方方面面。中央种子岛高中机器人部,是一个只有两个人的小团体,痴迷于掌上游戏的八汐海翔(木村良平 饰)和超级喜欢机器人的部长濑乃宫秋穗(南条爱乃 饰),面临因人数过少而废部的局面。小秋梦想带着本部最大的梦想——等高大小的机器人GUNVARL参加来年举行的东京市博会。为了顺利征得经费…
- Follows Jimmy, the first-of-its-kind social interactive robot. Intel and Trossen Robotics designed a kit that allows someone to create his or her own open-source 3D-printable robot that runs on Intel's Edison chip.
- Plot unknown. Described as a "contained time travel movie."