- "The film centers on a family. Blaine (Paul Le Mat) lives with his senile father in a tumbledown shack on the edge of a small southwestern town, where Blaine repairs and installs CB radios. When Blaine isn't busy playing CB Vigilante, cutting off the kooks and crazies who misuse the airwaves, he is trying to win b…
- 领略《维纳斯的诞生》的不朽魅力。它是一曲女性人体美的颂歌,它在问世后几经沉浮,最终成为世界级偶像。波提切利绘制的女体为何如此具有革命性?它对现当代艺术又有怎样的影响?
- Set in the 24th century and decades after the adventures of the original crew of the starship Enterprise, this new series is the long-awaited successor to the original "Star Trek" (1966). Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the all new Enterprise NCC 1701-D travels out to distant planets to seek out…