搜索 Rodney

  • is an Australian feature film based on several true stories involving people entering Australia illegally along the continent's vast, remote coastline.Set in Western Australia in 1990, Lucky Miles unfolds as a traditional Australian tale of men wandering lost into the desert (echoing the national story of Burke and Wil…
  • 皮特森是个好心肠的富豪,不幸的是他和他的过去三任妻子的婚姻都宣告失败,她们只是看上他的钱,皮特森到犹他州谈一笔地皮开发生意,交易非常成功,当地是合法的一夫多妻制,基於传统他必须娶之前土地主人留下的三个寡妇为妻,皮特森万万没想到三个年轻漂亮又单纯的寡妇,让不信婚姻的他彷佛在天堂般幸福的不得了,他的好运还不止如此,好心的皮…
  • 不久的将来,世界被复活的死人所布满,他们除了外表外,一切都和正常人毫无区别,但他们却遭到了人类的鄙视与唾弃,继而发生了严重的暴力冲突。然而不幸的是,一群到处灭杀活死人的人类狂徒闯进死人聚集地将他们带到人类的地盘,准备将他们置于死地,不过安其拉被一个神秘教派解救而幸免于难。但这并不是什么好事,她被关押在一个食人邪教组织内…
  • A young couple, Mary and John, awaiting a baby is in search for a house when they decide to buy that lovely old villa they found by coincidence. What they both do not know is that Myron, the owner of that villa and their new neigbour, is a dangerous psychopath and that Mary reminds him of his dead mother. Mary begins t…
  • 剧情简介:一译《恶魔假发屋》对于Herschell Gordon Lewis(赫歇尔·戈顿·路易斯)这位风格大师,喜欢,或者能接受他作品的观众基本上也不会对他的东西感到“失望”。影片开场的那段INTRO很有想法,是2个戴着假发的人头在模仿着店主和顾客的谈话——然后一刀,又一刀。《恶魔假发屋》的故事照例简单:一位母亲和其智障儿子经营着一家假发屋,而…
  • A teenage gang led by the vicious Dexter; his girlfriend Mitzi; and friends Denny and Lummonx; create havoic in a small Florida town by harrassing various people, vandalizing property, well... just for the hell of it. When a former gang member, Doug, tries to prevent their ever increasing violent antics, Denny takes it…
  • 戴维的双亲不幸遇车祸身亡,他只好同他未曾见过面的外祖父亚当·麦克达姆一起生活。亚当性格孤僻,陪伴他的似乎只有酒和他的爱犬“扎克”。不久,戴维结识了另一只狗“老鲍勃”和小主人玛琪,并因此了解到了狗主人之间一段不愉快地过去。岛上出现了牧羊犬咬死羊的连环事故,究竟那一只爱犬会被“正法”呢……
  • 寂寞无聊的家庭主妇丽莎维恩和一个年轻人开始了一段火热的婚外情。但是随着她的行为越来越大胆,她的警察丈夫开始起疑,而丽莎的不安状况也变得越来越危险。这部关于沉迷和不忠的情色惊悚片来自导演Michael Valverde,片名也叫Last Sunset(最后的落日)。
  • 电影
    The hilarious aftermath of a sleepover birthday party hypnotism gone wrong as best friends Megan and Paige, along with soon-to-be step-sister Veronica, wake up with absolutely no memory of the night before. Now they must retrace their steps to find missing birthday girl Anna Maria... and explain why there's a flock of …