搜索 Rodney

  • 罗德尼·海登是一位美国梦想家:住在佛罗里达中部的小企业主、家庭妇男。受经济大萧条的影响破产后,他听说了一个关于地图、岛屿和宝藏的故事,这可能是他摆脱不断增加的债务的一个契机。在经济绝望和生活迷茫的双重刺激下,罗德尼制定了一个计划,从报道中的加勒比藏宝地区,找到传说中价值 200 万美元的可卡因。就这样,罗德尼踏上了追求自己…
  • An American college student named Penny is erroneously apprehended during a dissident round-up in the banana republic of Rattica. She is incarcerated into the island penal system overseen by Wardress Von Krupp who is constructing the world's greatest information extractor. Crocodiles, religious zealots, psycho inmates …
  • Three tales of mystery and horror are told from the narration of famed paranormal investigator Eddie Osborne to his newly hired videographer, Will, as they document the supernatural occurrences of an abandoned hotel. The tales Eddie narrates build the foundation of his theory regarding paranormal instances, which he re…
  • 神秘博士土豆人的实验
    The Doctor, Sarah and Harry arrive on a desolate and apparently deserted Earth to discover that a group of shipwrecked astronauts from a human colony, GalSec, have been lured there by a fake distress call. One of their number, Roth, tells Sarah of an alien conducting gruesome experiments on him and his crewmates. The a…
  • 失落的男孩
    关于Pete Pan之父J.M. Barrie,还有和Llewelyn-Davies一家
  • 松鼠和男孩
    The misadventures of Andy Johnson and his best friend/pet Rodney, a self deluded squirrel who feels a constant need to include Andy in his insane and bizarre schemes.
  • 胆战心惊
  • 蜘蛛侠第四季
  • 诺亚方舟第一季
    【Noah’s Arc】是LOGO美国有限频道刚下档的同志连续剧,故事以LA四个非裔美国同志好友间的故事为主轴,企图藉此扩大探讨黑色族群的喜怒哀乐,以及身为同志的生活及压力,是第一部以黑人同志作主角的影集。Noah’s Arc翻译成「诺亚方舟」,具有其独特的意义。导演想突显出黑色同志族群更深层的喜怒哀乐,试图绽放他们内在、周遭,以及对生活挑战…