搜索 Rodolfo

  • 1957年,墨西哥拉雷多城。曼努埃尔自幼父母双亡,为汽车修理铺老板弗利克斯收养。二十多年后,曼努埃尔成了一名技术熟练的汽车修理工。曼努埃尔和当地富商何塞的女儿胡安娜相爱,但何塞认为门不当,户不对,不允缔姻。当他得悉胡安娜已怀有身孕时,大发雷霆,一怒之下,将胡安娜和支持女儿的妻子赶出家门。为了使胡安娜从此死了和曼努埃尔结婚的…
  • Película sobre la actividad de la Gendarmería Nacional en la represión del contrabando.
  • 迈阿密缉毒局特工克里夫·亚当斯在南美洲为美国最大的可卡因出口商冈萨罗·雷耶斯做卧底。克里夫的未婚妻,珍妮特·米德,是一名记者做关于雷耶斯的故事。雷耶斯命令克里夫杀死正在竞选总统的马塞洛·维拉巴,但是克里夫不能让自己去做这件事,因为他从DEA那里得到的任务是反对雷耶斯。雷耶斯担心维拉巴会让他破产,他担心珍妮特的故事也会发生…
  • Two young schoolboys in a Mexican town cut class to go to a matinee. They are caught, grounded and almost expelled by from their school. Later, they accompany a truck driver to Mexico City, one boy as a stowaway. Their truck is soon hi-jacked by a team of highway pirates, and the boys are well on their way to an advent…
  • Hailed by critics as one of the best Mexican films ever made, VICTIMAS DEL PECADO explores the mysterious, exotic underworld of postwar Mexico City. Violeta (Ninon Sevilla), a beautiful cabaret dancer, rescues an abandoned baby from a garbage can and decides to raise him. Love blossoms unexpectedly when Santiago (Tito …
  • In colonial Brazil, boy is sent to live with some parents in a sugarcane plantation, after losing his mother. His adaptation will be difficult and painful. A young boy goes to live with his grandfather on a Brazilian plantation after his mother dies. Haunted by the memories of her violent death, the boy slowly adapts t…
  • Around the year 1500, the Italian priest Don Filippo Neri helps street kids and orphans in his poor little chapel. He is no clergyman by the book, but a true believer in terms good and bad and he teaches this to his children. Neri is not very well-seen by the church and his only "friend" is the dry, humorless…
  • based on Christiane Cellier's personal tragedy of the loss of her daughter Anne in a motorway accident, this TV film show how the families of three victims of a road accident come to terms with their loss. On his way to visit his parents to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, Marcel Gallais is driving very fast…