搜索 Rolla

  • 电影剧情
    The middle class Hamid Hamoun has been married to painter Mahshid for seven years. However, Mahshid is becoming increasingly frustrated with their relationship, and feels that Hamid is somehow holding her back from her true creativity. When she asks for a divorce, Hamid struggles to come to terms with it, in addition t…
  • A young girl, Benilde, so protected by her religious family that she seemingly knows nothing about procreation, insists that her mysterious pregnancy is a miracle; however, her distressed bourgeois family decides that Benilde has lost her mind.
  • A cool edgy puppet show, which is made so well detailed. A real life prank phone call show created from the insane minds of Adam Carolla, Jimmy Kimmell and Daniel Kellison. The puppets are used to give the calls more liveliness. This show created some memorable characters since Family Guy. The bitter war vet Dick Birch…
  • 影视详情:   伊朗国宝级大师马克马巴夫重生“寓言”作品!   当你踩过这片大地,蚂蚁的尖叫是生命最后的呐喊。   有神论者和无神论者坠入情网,婚后,他们背起行囊,带着椅子,到印度蜜月旅行,寻找传说中的放牛圣人。一路人,他们遇见用眼神停住火车的老者、把自己当成桌椅的少女、浴火重生的男人;当地人说,要见到圣人,必须成为谋杀…
  • a talkshow and Sex Comedy
  • Released in France as La Kermesse Heroique, Carnival in Flanders is set during the long-ago war between the Dutch and Spanish. A tiny village in Flanders is invaded by Spanish troops. The townsfolk have heard of Spanish cruelties in other towns, and decide to deflect the vanquishers by playing dead. This isn't terribly…
  • 一部曾被德国纳粹禁映的表现主义电影代表作!   本片是1922年《马布斯博士》上下集后的续集,有着浓厚的表现主义色彩。影片对纳粹和希特勒的影射非常明显,因此刚上映便遭禁。   本片讲述地下犯罪集团头目马布斯被抓到疯人院,但在那里依然口出狂言,发号施令,直到他死后,这些指令在外面仍有人执行,让警察百思不得其解……
  • 巴斯光年是星际总部里捍卫宇宙的太空骑警,在一次任务失去最佳搭档后,发誓从此都要单独执行任务。就在此时,邪恶的札克天王竟利用神秘的力量改造星际总部成员的心智,准备夺取宇宙的控制权。为了维护宇宙和平,巴斯光年勇敢独自迎战头号敌人,没想到竟在紧要关头落入敌手!身处险境的巴斯光年,会愿意接受新搭档美娜洛娃公主、有勇无谋的巴斯特…
  • 洛杉矶,年轻迷人的女演员薇若妮卡来此寻找她的Mr. Right。问题是,她找到了…两个。第一个男人敏感,连名字"艾伯"都充满诗意。第二个男人叫查德,浑身肌肉的摇滚乐歌手。而她遇到了人生的两难:究竟她该选择爱还是性呢?管他的,这里是洛杉矶,她可以同时拥有。这部电影以记事性的方式描述若妮与艾伯及查德间的三角关系,关于他们的…