搜索 Ronni

  • 电影爱情
    Filmed on the beautiful islands of Greece, With a Kiss I Die is a dark love story about Juliet Capulet (from Shakespearean fame) who is forced to live for all eternity knowing that her true love died in her arms nearly 800 years ago. Broken and numb, she meets a young woman who captures her heart again, and teaches her…
  • TheMostDangerousMan
    Sgt. Max Gunn, retired leader of a black-ops commando unit, is reinstated to lead a team of elite specialists deep behind the Iron Curtain in order to track down his mentor and traitor to America, John Lyman.
  • Clete哈里斯是一名CIA特工是谁在洪都拉斯卧底,使用远程和平队站为他的基地。当他发现自己心爱的兄弟好友,明星足球运动员,在一次毒品交易中出了差错被谋杀,Clete回来到美国找到罪魁祸首。这妖孽甚至杀害了自己的母亲。原来,它的精神强盗曼纽尔和他的打手团伙。Clete则使得他的使命来跟踪所有这些下来,报复。为了帮助他在这个使命,他招募水…
  • 在去度蜜月的路上,一对年轻夫妇发现自己被他们的司机绑架并带到了德古拉的秘密基地,被用于恶魔的仪式以保持德古拉年轻和阳刚。当新娘的父母向当地侦探寻求帮助时,警察意识到他可能确实在阳光明媚的迈阿密面对了一个现实生活中的吸血鬼。与此同时,德古拉将目光投向了一位他决心要娶她为新娘的年轻女子。
  • A contemplative portrait of Ron 'Stray Dog' Hall: biker, Vietnam Vet, and lover of small dogs.
  • 摇滚乐的历史
    The history of rock n' roll and pop music are explored are explored via interviews and footage of well-known music stars.
  • 春天的希望
    《春天的希望》(Hope Springs)是BBC推出的一部八集迷你轻喜剧,讲述四名「活力四射」的女骗子试图改邪归正、重新做人的故事。故事的主人公Ellie、Hannah、Josie和Shoo计划在「金盆洗手」前最后再狠狠捞上一票,然后就去巴巴多斯的美丽海滩度过余生。她们选择的目标是Ellie那位心狠手辣的黑帮丈夫--她们打算偷光他所拥有的300万英磅!糟糕…
  • 电视剧
  • 决战芭蕾之巅第一季
    For the first time ever, the beauty and grace of ballet, the world's preeminent dance form, will be brought to television. Viewers will also see the dark side of this seemingly perfect world; the jealousy, competition and intensity that exist behind the scenes at a professional ballet company. For under the tights and …
  • 福尔摩斯与华生医生历险记