- 《安德烈˙谢尼埃》是意大利作曲家翁贝托˙焦尔达诺于1896年创作的一部浪漫主义歌剧。它以18世纪后半叶的巴黎为舞台,讲述了著名诗人和政治家安德烈˙谢尼埃的生平事迹。安德烈˙谢尼埃与伯爵夫人的女儿玛达莱娜相互爱慕,投身革命的仆人杰拉尔德亦暗恋玛达莱娜。革命爆发之后,玛达莱娜和谢尼埃处境艰难,并且遭密探监视。杰拉尔德为引出玛达莱…
- Two different rhythms in the same body. The first one of an actress and the second that of his character: Luisa and Rosalinda share the same body but not the same rhythm. One afternoon in the Delta del Tigre, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, a group of actors meet to rehearse the comedy Como les guste, by William Shak…
- 1648. King Christian IV of Denmark is very ill. His dying wish is to end his days in his beloved Copenhagen and thus embarks on a journey to the capital by horse and carriage. He sends for his ex-wife Kirsten - whom he had imprisoned after they divorced under violent circumstances. Christian wants Kirsten to sign a doc…