- 在江湖,兄弟要有;他是我學長,也是我兄弟,但我卻起了壞心,要是他能當我男票也不錯。Pun X Porche是矮年下下巴攻 X 高暖心受,女友糾結前男友還護航,這口氣我嚥不下,學長如我兄弟護我心切,或許他是個更適合我的人?當他在我眼前,我卻心動了?學長對不起,,你把我當兄弟,但我卻想上你啊!
- The story of Michael and Richard Henderson, two stepbrothers from West Virginia who saw an opportunity in the burgeoning VHS market in the 1980s and made their own backyard horror movies, "The Curse of Stabberman" and "Cannibal Swim Club." These films would've been long forgotten, but a recent resur…
- 当社会每况愈下,人心不古,纷争迭起之际,人与人之间已经失去起码的诚信与尊重,由此导致了争端四起。在此危急时刻,奥莉弗(梅伊•奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)走入人山人海的会场,通过电台向全国呼吁找回人与人之间兄弟般的关爱(Brotherly Love),停止争斗。她载歌 载舞,还不忘提醒在收音机旁的男友大力水手卜派(杰克•梅瑟 Jack …