搜索 Roxann

  • 提杰在奔波寻找自己未曾蒙面的儿子。他来到了布鲁姆,想带儿子去旅行并欣赏美得令人窒息的风景。在寻找的过程中,他一直在反思自己曾经的混混时光。他遇到了一些奇特的人,让他认识到生活方式可以是多种多样。在“五条河”的边境小镇,他发现以前一起的混混德克萨斯如今成了一位警察。他后来也找到了儿子布雷特,生活在不经意中慢慢改变……  …
  • Jill Reeves suffers from retrograde amnesia, forgetting the last seven months of her life. When the mysterious Carter Tallerin tells her they're married, Jill's world unravels. Everyone in Jill's life has a secret, including herself.
  • The on- and off-duty adventures of four US Navy pilots who make up The Blue Angels, the Navy's precision flying unit.
  • 电影剧情
    《小孔》由亚当·卡森和马克·卡森兄弟执导。迈克·魏斯(克里斯·埃文斯饰)是一个年轻的有才华的休斯顿律师,同时他也是一个吸毒者。保罗·丹齐格是迈克·魏斯的老朋友兼合作伙伴。他们有一家自己的律师事务所,一次偶然的机会他们认识了薇吉(凡妮莎·肖 饰),一个当地的急诊室护士,在工作中使用污染的针头。迈克和保罗深入了解展开调查,…
  • Future by Design shares the life and far-reaching vision of Jacque Fresco, considered by many to be a modern day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a "generalist" or multi-disciplinarian -- a student of many inter-related fie…
  • A new series about parenting that focuses on those first few incredible days of new parents' lives as they face the unfamiliar challenges and joys of caring for a newborn baby. The series will also explore the reactions and feelings of friends and family members as they welcome the new baby into their lives. Written by…
  • 反璞歸真的電影復古風再變新樣!【生理與心理的12課】故事取材自一般大眾生活週遭所發生的趣事或糗事,是出身各層階級的男人與女人,運用他們的生活智慧,創造出一篇篇令人不禁莞爾的幽默喜劇。【本片特色】春光無限好,令人臉紅心跳的性喜劇劇中的女演員個個大膽裸露展現身軀,曼妙優雅之姿卻不流於低俗。本片挑起觀眾慾望心理,採用最高明的手…
  • 影痴兼同性恋者西恩(麦可•康尼欧)本来志向是进好莱坞当摄影师,在偶然看过强尼(史考特•葛尼)主演的同志A片迷上强尼后,他决定应聘后者所在的同志A片电影公司的摄影师,并最终如愿以偿。令西恩没想到的是,某次他竟有机会同强尼作渴慕良久的身体接触,虽然那仅是协助强尼尽快完成电影拍摄,西恩依旧生出甜蜜幸福滋味。但西恩很快发现,强尼…