搜索 Roz

  • 电影
  • 电影剧情
    影片为真实故事改编,讲述⼀位年轻的律师巴哈尔,回到了家乡⼩镇。在恐怖分⼦的⼀次袭击中,她丈夫死了,她和孩⼦,还有数千名妇⼥被抓到了监狱⾥。从监狱逃跑后,她组织指挥了“太阳的⼥⼈”这个⼥⼦军队。她们的目标是夺回被占领的⼩镇,救回被当作⼈质的⼉⼦。在她身边的玛蒂尔德,是一位经验 丰富的战地记者。玛蒂尔德紧密跟进太阳的女人这…
  • 电影生活
    Netflix投资的一部电影,了解了一个了不起的人,一段历史:Milada Horáková,出生于奥匈帝国时期的布拉格,一战时17岁,因为参加反战游行,被学校开除,之后致力女性平权和儿童福利,1940年因为参与地下抵抗组织被盖世太保拘捕,关押在德国的集中营,德国当局要求德国法庭判死刑,但最终法庭判了她八年,1945年二战结束回到布拉格;46年参选…
  • 电影
  • Ivan, a typical resident of the big city, visits a provincial town on a job assignment and falls in love with the young and beautiful Alyona. Everything gets in the way of the young lovers’ budding romance: the city authorities, Ivan’s older brother, and the circumstances prove to be not in their favor.DEBUT film of Di…
  • 在这部影片中我们没有看到苏联的坦克和大炮、空中支援、没有机枪,只有严厉和残酷。真实在现了1941年战争初期苏联红军的状况。
  • When 15-year-old Lizzie is kidnapped, her friendly but divorced parents Judith and Martin are devastated. The police can't find the girl but Tracy Spencer comes forward claiming she's a psychic and knows where Lizzie is. Judith is elated, but it soon becomes clear that Tracy has an agenda of her own.
  • A festival of films, for kids. So we have kids, coming in from all across the state to the capital to watch films. They will be taken around the city, to various cinemas, multiplexes, open air screenings and near dead theatres. Teachers in charge, the girls and boys, the media, theatre crew with their extra hours...got…