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  • OUT LOUD, a modern story of friendship and love in different ways among upcoming Lebanese generation facing social conflicts overcoming it and making their lives a better world. Young heroes face tragedies that forever will change their lives. Jason and Nathalie create new family of friends. Each becomes aware of perso…
  • This classic film is based on a classic Urdu short story 'Aanandi' by Pakistani writer Ghulam Abbas. It deals with a brothel at the heart of a city, in an area that some politicians want for its prime locality. They rally up against the brothel and its inhabitants in the name of morality, and soon everyone in the area …
  • 纳德16岁,他有一个意大利女朋友,这不符合父母的期望和伊斯兰教义。但是对于这个年轻人来说,传统根本不重要。他想要的东西必须马上得到,也许还会动用暴力。这一点与他的同学斯特法诺不谋而合。
  • 故事从两个不同寻常的“人类”开始,分别叫做George和Mitchell,他们一个是吸血鬼,一个是狼人,在当地一个不知名的医院里做苦工,他们生活绝望——因为mitchell是吸血鬼,George是狼人。他们决定改过自新,同住在了一起才发现,一个女鬼死于神秘的情况并且经常闹鬼。不仅这样,Mitchell认识的几个吸血鬼和Mitchell不同,他们都对人类没…
  • 21st century choreographers, dancers and film historians discuss the significance of Singin' in the Rain (1952) to their art form.
  • Bruce Sweeney (Last Wedding) returns to the Festival with this neo-noir police procedural — set against the backdrop of economic hard times — about a failed real estate agent (Nicholas Lea, in a bravura performance) whose recent attempt to…
  • 本剧基于真实发生过的案件,通过电影化的手法,不断还原案情的真相。当试图还原真相的努力接近于尾声,你会感受到一种远比善恶判断更为细腻且有力量 的关切与宽容。
  • 2001年9月11日,阳光一如既往普照不夜之城美国纽约。熙攘奔忙的早晨,谁也没有料到几个小时后将有一场史无前例的灾难重创纽约和华盛顿,震惊全世界。上午8点46分,满载乘客的11次航班遭恐怖分子劫持,并最终撞向世贸中心1号楼。未过多久,175次航班撞穿世贸中心2号楼,霎时间这两座标志性建筑放出滚滚浓烟,呼救声、痛哭声、哀号声、警笛声响彻…
  • 10 year old Kuba lives in Warsaw and collects stones. He obtains a fragment of a magic stone, the Sagala, and searches for the other parts. That leads to an adventurous trip through space and time, into the past to various cultures of the world. Difficult tasks have to be solved to finally obtain the complete stone. Th…