- When Damon Miller (Moritz von Zeddelmann), a talented, young London filmmaker becomes involved in the disturbing research surrounding Near-Earth objects he stumbles onto the discovery that the Earth stands on the brink of an extraterrestrial disaster. Believing he's finally discovered the ideal subject for his next doc…
- Lisa has a grandfather called Killer Kane, who stopped Wrestling after he killed someone while performing "the snap". Her only wish is to become a wrestler herself. To achieve this, she joins the American Angels, a female wrestling show. Because training hard isn't enough, she seduces the show manager Donald …
- From Emmy-nominated filmmaker Joanna Rudnick (In the Family), On Beauty follows former fashion photographer Rick Guidotti as he focuses his lens on people who are often excluded or misrepresented in popular media. Highlighting vibrant individuals with genetic conditions, Rick’s work challenges conventional visions and …
- Author John A. Andrews, son of the Caribbean soil, polices the drug trade by penetrating inside the belly of the underground. In an environment saturated with corruption, deception, duplicity, deceit, and inequities of all kinds, Andrews conceives an international, greed driven fiasco, embedded within the drug epidemic…