- 故事发生在遥远的异世界“京”,距离元宫茜(川上伦子 配音)成为神龙神子已经经过了数月,她和保护她的八叶之间也有了深厚的感情羁绊。为了为京都祈福,橘友雅(井上和彦 配音)接受了建造宫殿的命令,可是工期总因为无缘无故的大火而遭到延迟,阴阳师安倍泰明(石田彰 配音)觉得十分可疑,因此展开了调查。另一边,京都发生了孩童被拐走的恶…
- From the New York Times review:"In "Sankofa," a contemporary African-American woman travels back in time and experiences slavery. Haile Gerima's poetic and precisely detailed film takes its audience into its heroine's life and mind as her moral sense is challenged and changed. No viewer can avoid the dis…
- This contemporary social drama centres around the school cleaner Mirna. The collective is on strike for an increase in their material rights, and Mirna patiently and devotedly makes the days of the teachers on strike easier by making them coffee and performing her other usual activities. Outside the corridors of the sc…
- 小遥(绫濑遥 配音)是一名平凡的十六岁高中女生,母亲(户田菜穗 配音)早早的就离开了她,如今,小遥和父亲(大森南朋 配音)一起过着相依为命的生活。某日,小遥独自一人来到了位于武藏野的一间神社内,这里留有她童年时代的美好记忆。然而,令小遥没有想到的是,她竟然发现了一只正在搬运东西的狐狸(泽城美雪 配音)。\r\n 追随着狐狸的…
- 这是一个晴朗的日子,天地和爷爷遥昭正在打扫飘落的樱花,而魉呼和阿重霞这对冤家在旁边为了抢一把扫帚而争的不可开交,最后天地跑去劝驾,结果陷入了在两人之间作出最后抉择的困境,于是天地只好耍了个小花招逃走了,谁知他就这么失踪了。半年过去了,大家都在为为寻找天地而努力,鹫羽利用她的超级计算机计算天地的位置,美星和清音混入宇宙科…