搜索 Runa

  • 冰岛影片《世界尽头的养路工》在2011年意大利图灵国际电影节上摘得最佳影片大奖。该片是短片导演Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson的长片处女作。两个男人,一个世界尽头了无人烟的地点,它会让你想起发生在北极科考站的《我是如何度过这个夏天》,从头到尾根本没有事情发生。养路工每天重复同样的工作,闲下来就谈谈从前的女友、喜欢的音乐,台词风…
  • 20世纪30年代的西班牙,一种奇怪病症在孩子中间蔓延,感染此症的孩子没有汗腺,不会流泪,毫无痛感。为防止进一步的危害,当权者将患病儿童隔离关入修道院,彻底剥夺了他们的自由。囚禁在方寸间的男孩班尼诺(Ilias Stothart 饰)为隔壁的歌声吸引,他通过挖出的小洞和女孩伊涅丝(Liah O'Prey 饰)成为好朋友。这群可怜的孩子必须通过独特的方…
  • 小孩子因为逃学去看电影被父亲捆着在烈日下暴晒,他对此感到十分羞耻,于是拿着钱离家出走,随后在剧院长大。他认识了一个女孩,由于对方父母的反对,他们不得结合,女孩自杀……
  • 几年前,大佬(霍斯特·弗兰克 饰)为了利益,杀光了好朋友姜戈(特伦斯·希尔 饰)的一家。几年后,大佬为了名正言顺地掠夺平民的土地,将无辜的好人诬陷成罪犯,并将他们统统处以了绞刑。但是大佬不知道的是,执行绞刑的绞刑吏不是别人,正是当年死里逃生的姜戈,他不仅没有绞死那些人, 还将他们放走并组成了一支“秘密军队”,为的是除掉大…
  • A young Japanese actress remembers her war childhood in Korea. Her father goes to fight, her baby sister Miko dies of typhoid, her beloved Korean maid Ohana is fired due to a mistake which could cost Chiko her life... By and by Chiko realizes that the country is being ruled by the Japanese and the Koreans are persecute…
  • Madhumati (Genelia D'Souza) is the daughter of a politician (Deepak Shirke) who turns out to be a martinet at home with his attachment on power. He believes that his daughter's behavior would influence his caste politics, so he tries to keep her from continuing her MBBS as she goes to college and moves with friends of …
  • Izumi, a student at Nagasaki University, has become friends online with Magda, a girl from Sitges, Catalonia. When Magda invites her to visit, Izumi uses the occasion to practice the language and visit some tourist spots, but she also has another purpose-to fulfill a promise to her dying father, who long ago had fallen…
  • 作为浪漫电影导演的助理,男孩杰伊并不相信爱情故事,女孩辛兰则深信不疑,没想到两人却擦出了火花……