- Ruthless Times – Songs of Care is a documentary-material based choir couplet portraying the privatization of the elderly care sector in Finland. Quotes from the news media, real life political debacles, and the rhetoric with the Promises o…
- 「明日の記憶」「2LDK」の三浦有為子が脚本を手がける本作。ある男の葬儀後にアトリエで出くわした女性3人が、その男に3股をかけられていたと知ったことから展開する、“精子バンク”が題材の会話劇となっている。
- In 1999, Rocío Wanninkhof was murdered and Vázquez was identified as the main suspect, with a shocking lack of evidence, she was arrested, convicted and sentenced in an extremely public trial.
- Carnival in Barcelona. The Dominican troupe is the most popular at the most attended parade in the city, and for the first time this year, they are parading with a float. Ruth, the owner of a Latin hairdresser's, is sponsoring the float so that she can put her daughter Rihanna in it. Rihanna usually dresses like a tomb…