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  • 电影
    A city PR girl goes on the run accused of leaking information from the military supply company where she works. Chased by ex-soldiers she hides with her brother, a member of a shadowy hacker group, and has to choose between her luxury life - and the Redistributors.
  • A gang terrorizes Mexico City's high society on 1915. Murder, kidnaping and robbery are their trademarks. One police inspector (Cabrera) follows the gang crimes and eventually send them to the jail
  • 贫民窟中信念相反的两兄弟,哥哥急欲脱离帮派,弟弟却只相信“兄弟”。政府坚定消灭罪犯之决心,但警盗之间早已黑白难辨,残酷街头正义荡然无存。写实和具有爆发力的摄影,一镜到底在迷宫似的贫民窟中游走奔跑的真实时间,菲律宾版的《无法无天》,新锐导演惊人的处女作,勇夺威尼斯影展多项大奖。
  • What happens to a dream when the dreamer is gone? PAINT IT BLACK is the story of the aftermath of Michael's death, and Josie's struggle to hold onto the true world he shared with her. As Josie searches for the key to understanding his death, she finds herself both repelled and attracted to Michael's pianist mother, Mer…
  • 哈维尔(Eugene Derbez)只希望与深爱的玛利亚(Alejandra Mud)共度余生,但就在他们的婚礼之后,命运改变了它的轨迹。失去玛利亚的哈维尔如何才能重拾对于爱和生活的信心?
  • 电影
    2069, ano talvez erótico - logo veremos - mas fatídico para um rei sem coroa. No seu leito de morte, uma canção antiga fá-lo rememorar árvores; um pinhal ardido e o tempo em que o desejo de ser bombeiro para libertar Portugal do flagelo …
  • Five shorts spanning a century on lives impacted by the Panama Canal
  • Miserere is about six young men who prostitute themselves for little money in Once Train Station and Plaza Miserere, a central area in the city of Buenos Aires. Structured as a chronicle of a summer day, the documentary presents the stories and inner reflections of the protagonists through voice-overs. The routines of …
  • 电影生活