搜索 Rún

  • After blooming with her new tv show, Dona Hermínia must deal with the problems of her grown up kids as she realizes they are Leaving home. In the middle, she must face the struggles of being a grandmother and her sister who's returning to …
  • Alice owns a sex shop and travels to New York to open a new business
  • 电影
  • Three Nepalese children get separated from their parents while entering the Indian state of Sikkim and must rely on each other to survive, in Bollywood actor Paakhi A. Tyrewala's newest work.
  • 电影剧情
    基于Nathaniel Rich在《纽约时报》上发表的文章《The Lawyer Who Became DuPont’s Worst Nightmare》,围绕罗伯特·比洛特展开,他担任辩护律师长达8年之久,他对化工巨头杜邦公司提起了环境诉讼,这场官司揭露了几十年来杜邦公司化学污染的历史。
  • 在拉斯维加斯的两次输个精光后,提诺被巴西首富的儿子撞见后,他和家人的命运再次受到打击。
  • 天寒地冻,地广人稀,冬季降临冰岛边陲的荒野山村。四际无人,只有一个小农场孤零零地屹立在大自然的严寒之中,电话和收音机成为他们与外界唯一的联系。这个清晨,年事已高的农场主人Hrafn(Jón Sigurbjörnsson 饰)有条不紊地打理家中的一切,妻子Gróa(Kristjana Vagnsdottir 饰)则似乎仍沉浸在睡眠之中。女儿打来电话,在一周之内将把父…
  • After Tom's and Jack's death, Becky and Jill continue their journey in the zombie apocalypse. Their goal is only to survive, until they see the mysterious signs for a sanctuary.
  • 电影动作
  • 噗尼轮轮 噗尼2
    ぷにるんず……それは、ぷにっとやわらかい『ぷしぎ』ないきもの。 みんな、ぷにぷにされるのが大すき。 まいにち楽しく ぷにっとくらしています。 ある日、あいるんのおうちに『ぷしぎなあんてな』があらわれました。 あんてなが光ってやってきたのは、あたらしいぷにとも ともるん。 ぷにるんずの日常は、ますますにぎやかになります。 そん…