- Vijay Choudhury lives a comfortable lifestyle with his wife, Laxmi, and step-brother, Ravi. Although Vijay and Laxmi have been married for several years, they have no children, and as a result Laxmi is shunned and humiliated in the entire town of Madhopur, despite of the fact the Vijay is the Chair of the Village Panch…
- A psychopath is loose in Denmark and nobody feels safe. With his dull kitchen knives the madman slaughters through the towns young women, and anybody standing in his way, but why? What drives the blood lust? And what unspeakable pleasures does torture and mutilation hold?
- Through the personal stories of several former black female Civil Rights activists, Reflections Unheard: Black Women in Civil Rights unearths the lesser-known story of black women's political marginalization between the male-dominated Black Power movement, and the predominantly white and middle class Feminist movement …
- The horror/suspense thriller feature film GEHENNA opens with an intense scene where a large man is running through the dark woods while screaming. As he approaches an abandon old garage out of the fog and darkness an unseen image(Antagonist) ascends from beneath the fog. Within a minute he over powers the large man who…
- 故事发生在静冈县沼津市海边的小镇、位於内浦的私立浦之星女子学院。在这间骏河湾一隅的小小高中里面,以2年级的高海千歌为中心的9名少女,怀抱著远大的梦想挺身而出。那就是,要成为闪闪发光的“学园偶像”!只要努力不懈梦想一定会实现──。现在只需要朝著那闪耀的目标,奋不顾身地勇往 直前就行了! 从此,少女们“ 大家一起实现的故事”(…