- Testimonio de un werken (portavoz) mapuche, José Huenchunao, acusado de asociación ilícita y terrorista, forzado a la clandestinidad por haber defendido la idea política de la existencia de su pueblo. A través de su testimonio es la voz d…
- Para celebrar a la Pachamana, diosa incaica de la tierra, y a Nuestra Senora de la Asunción, el 15 de agosto de todos los anos se celebran la Fiesta de Casabindo. Casabindo es un pequeno pueblo situado a 3900 metros de altura, a 148 kilóme…
- José Luis Torres Leiva, 31 years old, was born in Santiago (Chile). In 1998, with his short Le Mort, he wins the Chilean Regional Fund Fondart Award. Since, he has directed many shorts and experimental videos.In 2003, he receives a grant f…
- After killing her husband, Nathalie Baldassari is sent to prison for10years. During this stay of torture, Nathalie beginsexperiencingmental-health problems and concentrates her hatred towardsevery woman.Out of prison a series of brutal killings starts inVenezia. Her lastvictim finds her diary and tells us the story ofs…