- Ashke is a 2018 Indian-Punjabi film based on popular folk dance Bhangra and is written by Dheeraj Rattan and directed by Amberdeep Singh. It stars Amrinder Gill, Sanjeeda Shaikh, Roopi Gill in lead roles and Sarbjit Cheema, Hobby Dhaliwal, Jaswinder Bhalla, Avy Randhawa and Gurshabad in supporting roles. Also, the film…
- Toss-Up sets up in two locations: a Central-Eastern Anatolian town where veteran "Seytan Ridvan," named after the great soccer star, resides and Istanbul, where veteran "Hayalet Cevher" does. The first half of the film tells the story of Ridvan (Olgun Simsek), who feels alienated upon arriving home …
- 一名国际性匪徒先是自投罗网,而后又戏剧性的挣脱法网--不料面临的竟是欺骗和背叛.业已称霸亚洲黑社会的Don将自己的目光投向对欧洲黑社会的控制。届时他将成为现有的欧洲黑社会和所有执法机构的幕后主宰。为了达成自己的目标,Don将亲赴欧洲采取行动。在由吉隆坡前往柏林的旅途中,他必须避开一切可能出现的暗杀和拘捕行动,经过一系列的激烈角…
- All the colour, depth and mystery of India's complex and riotous cultural heritage is brought to light in a single action which changes two countries forever. A proud Indian international student is attacked in a brightly lit train carriage against a backdrop of darkness. Unknown to his attackers his high caste status …