搜索 Saint

  • 多米尼加首都圣多明各的基督王棚户区,同父异母的贾维尔和鲁迪兄弟在此生活,但关系不佳。海地人血统的贾维尔得到毒品帮派头目的垂青,在看护头目的妹妹乔斯琳。多米尼加血统的鲁迪曾是乔斯琳的男友,受不了贾维尔和乔斯琳的亲密关系,想重新夺回乔斯琳……《基督王》由多米尼亚共和国、海地和法国合拍,首映于2013年多伦多电影节当代世界电影单…
  • It’s winter in France, the light is dull, the camera pans over a snowy wasteland and enters a massive construction of steel and glass that is open at the sides, stopping in front of the reproduction of a wooden ship. The structure that jut…
  • 『阿雷西勒凱耶的《撲克女王》系列小說包含我愛的所有元素,也是今日最優秀的犯罪小說!』葛紅杰(Jean-Christophe Grangé,法國的史蒂芬金)一名年輕女子被發現倒在巴黎一座橋下的血泊裡,但不是她的血。女子甦醒的第一句話是「救救孩子!」負責調查馬丁要查出是誰要這個女子的命,以及她如此迫切要保護的孩子是誰。在小組以及一名孤獨但幸運…
  • At a dinner party at her aunt Edith's, Penelope "Penny" Parker makes the acquaintance of debonair Simon Templar. While attracted to her, Simon is more interested in the actions of another guest, Bruno Lang. As the party breaks up, Lang finds a note in his car from "The Saint," a detective well-known…
  • 电影剧情
  • Various stories intertwine within the walls of a popular Parisian brothel on the eve of the First World War.
  • The film opens when the British Army finds itself overwhelmed by massive casualties. Major Munro, a physician attached to the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), decides to organize a volunteer Flying Ambulance Corps. He recruits four women: Elsie Knocker (British), Mairi Chisholm (Scottish), Dorothy Fielding (Canadian) a…