- the film by Pupi Avati, is set in the autumn of 1952.In the north-east the investigation into a murder trial of a teenager is underway, considered by the popular fantasy possessed.Furio Momentè ( Gabriele Lo Giudice ), inspector of the Ministry, leaves for Venice reading the minutes of the interrogations.Carlo ( Filipp…
- 法兰克﹝约翰李古查摩饰﹞是个失意的拳击手,不稳定的收入让他和家人被赶出公寓,无计可施之下他们住进了避难所,艰难的度过几个月之后,好不容易有个公寓可以马上搬进,但条件是法兰克必须先找到一份工作。当整个城市都沉浸在準备过圣诞的欢欣气氛当中,法兰克和十岁的继子却必须忍著寒风,赶在这天结束前找到一份工作…。