搜索 Sarit

  • 电影恐怖
  • 35岁的教师古尼斯(Günes)是一位单亲妈妈,为了给予孩子们更好的未来,她带着三个女儿从家乡伊兹密尔搬到伊斯坦布尔,与一个爱上了她的神秘富翁结婚。古尼斯和她的女儿们面对新生活,会发生些什么样的故事呢?
  • Injured, tired and confused and taking refuge in an abandoned trench, two deserters must decide the best course of action to stay alive after the results of a secret weapon used by the enemy begin to spread past the battlefield. When a Green Beret stumbles upon their trench on his way to a place called the 'Safe Zone',…
  • 一群被驱逐无家可归的贱民在印度西高止山脉附近为了逃避种族迫害而遁入空门信奉了佛教,电影展现了探寻安贝卡主义为基础的新认同政治以及地区持续斗争的环境。
  • Gangoobai, a childless, elderly widow, has lived her whole life in the tiny colonial hill station of Matheran. This is her story to redeem the destruction of her dreams, and set her life on a path that surpasses anything that she could ever have imagined
  • 备受期待的幸存者两大明星将在第22季中展开对决,更有全新的“复活赛制”,究竟能不能重塑甚至超越第20季《正邪之争》的精彩呢?《幸存者》的剧迷们拭目以待吧!
  • Cowboy balladeer Roy Rogers meets Sue Farnum (Dale Evans), a girl returning from back East, who is cheated out of her inheritance by a greedy scoundrel and kidnapper named Ripley (Grant Withers). As if things weren't bad enough, Roy's friend, ranch-owner Gabby Whitaker (Gabby Hayes), has misplaced his title papers. Nor…
  • 电影音乐
    洛丽塔(薇迪雅·巴兰 Vidya Balan 饰)自幼便失去了父母,虽然童年不幸,但她的叔叔是一个非常善良的男人,在叔叔的精心抚养之下,洛丽塔顺利的长大成人,出落成为了落落大方的大姑娘。沙卡汉(赛尔夫·阿里·汗 Saif Ali Khan 饰)是洛丽塔青梅竹马的好友,两人有着一段两小无猜的单纯美好的时光。沙卡汉一直希望能够成为一名音乐家,对音乐充…
  • 一个关于中国和以色列的故事。At thirty-seven, Miri is a twice-widowed, El Al flight attendant. Her well-regulated existence is suddenly turned upside down by an abandoned Chinese boy whose migrant-worker mother has been summarily deported from Isra…