- Chasing the Saturdays is an American reality documentary television series that follows the English-Irish girl group The Saturdays. The series premiered on January 20, 2013, at 10 pm ET/PT on E!.The series chronicles the lives of the group who, after scoring a string of hits in their native United Kingdom, attempt to s…
- The host for the episode is Eric Idle (his third appearance), and the musical guest is Kate Bush. The skits for this episode are as follows: The telepsychic takes questions from callers about the future, giving each one the same answer. Julia Child demonstrates how to prepare a roast chicken and proceeds to slice her h…
- Prime Alexander is a professional athlete living the life most men dream of. He has a huge guaranteed contract, beautiful women chasing him and the best friends a man could ask for. He's used to getting what he wants, when he wants it and doesn't believe in explaining himself to anyone, especially Autumn, the beautiful…
- 第34季第15集共和党领袖Harry和众议院议长Nancy'召开了新闻发布会,商讨两党在经济刺激计划上的合作....本期主持Bradley Cooper,他刚刚出演了《他没有那么喜欢你》,他还给观众们展示了他从Actor's Studio里出道的视频,还表演了怎么演好一个坏人。在NBC的Today节目上,Kristen不断的挑剔灯光师还有她的搭档,节目请来了B先生为女士们展示如何…
- 第37季第12期 哈利波特的扮演者Daniel Redcliffe来到周六夜现场担任主持,开头他便调侃起自己最广为人知的角色——哈利波特。之后他更化身超市女店员,和Kristen Wigg扮演的奇怪收银员上演“爱情故事“。之后他更是回到了10年后的霍格罗茨,在哪里他会有什么故事呢?本期音乐嘉宾是打雷姐,Lana Del Rey。