- 从地球诞生之初,一种奇怪的生物便出现在这颗蓝色的星球上。他们不断进化、蜕变,终于成为我们所熟悉的小黄人的模样。小黄人们毕生寻找邪恶的老大,以成为他的部属为荣,但是千百万年来的努力最终化成一场空。经历了一段长久的沉寂,名叫凯文的小黄人决定再度上路,他带着热爱音乐的斯图尔特、成事不足败事有余的鲍勃,漂洋过海来到了1968年的美…
- Melilla, a Spanish enclave in Morocco, is a land border between the African continent and Europe. A buffer zone where European migration policies, their challenges and their consequences are read and shown. A place towards which converge the migrants of the Maghreb and the Sub-Saharan Africa. They are "those who b…
- 13 year-old Raúl is the son of Nestor. They share a house with an uncle and his partner. During the pandemic, coexistence between them has become closer. One night while Néstor helps Raúl with his homework, they hear a violent argument at …