搜索 Saúl

  • 一个维修工冒充婚姻顾问给他的邻居们提供性咨询,这个好色之徒透过大楼里每户的钥孔暗暗窥视着邻居们的床地之欢。一个男人在通过函授课程获得学位后,利用他所学的知识帮助他的邻居们重新点燃欲火。而大家却未意识到他们最私密的时刻都成了这个能窥视整幢楼内住户的孤僻的维修工眼中的盛宴。
  • 这部电影通过一位英国艺术家的视角讲述了马克·夏加尔的生活,从位于巴黎蒙帕纳斯区的艺术家居所“蜂巢”(La Ruche)开始,带我们踏上夏加尔的神奇世界之旅。
  • 电影
  • 经历了人类与机器人连番大战的洗礼,而今的地球已满目疮痍,破败不堪,荒野四处皆为武器装甲的残骸所覆盖。在阴霾晦暗的天空下,业已觉醒的女子亚莉克莎(美琳达·克拉克 Melinda Clarke 配音)独自而坐。突然,他的同伴从基地发来警告,两只智能机器人正向她靠近。话音刚落,两只形状酷似的机器人从黝黑的海水中浮现,向亚莉克莎逼近。女子从容…
  • Underworld drug king Toplar is flooding the market with low-grade heroin. Agent 99 gets a bit too close to the truth, but manages to gasp out a clue as to the identity of Toplar: he has a scar. Jane (Agent 73) is called in to find Toplar, and gets a camera implanted in her breast in order to photograph the bad guys she…
  • 20多岁的埃莉请她大学的老朋友在她父母在缅因州的家渡一个周末,在她心目中不仅仅是一个团聚 。她的朋友跟她有一个计划。受酒精,老景点和新发现的推动,上演了一幕火花四射的饱满情绪的喜剧,,导演德里克西蒙兹 幽默,尖刻的新电影。
  • The story is set in the south of the ex-USSR, in Crimea. The characters are outcasts. Their hostility to society makes them want to flee both the law and themselves. Their flight becomes a journey that leads to an inevitable clash with the world, which they can neither change nor rebuild as they see fit.
  • A woman takes her young son, leaves her husband and moves in with her lover. The boy, desperate to get his parents back together, becomes convinced that if only he can get his father's stolen motorcycle back everything will be fine again, so he sets out to get enough money to buy his father a new one.