搜索 Schae

  • 洛杉矶,年轻迷人的女演员薇若妮卡来此寻找她的Mr. Right。问题是,她找到了…两个。第一个男人敏感,连名字"艾伯"都充满诗意。第二个男人叫查德,浑身肌肉的摇滚乐歌手。而她遇到了人生的两难:究竟她该选择爱还是性呢?管他的,这里是洛杉矶,她可以同时拥有。这部电影以记事性的方式描述若妮与艾伯及查德间的三角关系,关于他们的…
  • 电影
    A disabled Vietnam vet suspected of murder on Maui in 1971 must rediscover the Hawaiian warrior within to protect his family, defend their land, and clear his father's name.
  • 5位患有癌症的青少年一起在医院里欢笑共同对抗恐怖的病魔。
  • Join the quest to film a tornado-from the inside. Obsessed filmmaker Sean Casey takes us on a mission to capture the world's first IMAX footage from within the vortex of a twister in Tornado Intercept. Joining the team is renowned meteorologist Dr. Josh Wurman. He and his squad of mobile Doppler radar trucks tag along …
  • 电影科幻
  • 特瑞尔是世上最声名狼藉的电脑黑客之一,他拍下那些政客和CEO们丑陋的嘴脸,将其背地里进行犯罪勾当的片段放在互联网上曝光。然而没想到的是,虽然这一举措大快人心,但同时也为他树立了很多敌人。随着牵涉案件的重要人物越来越多,政府甚至将其视为恐怖分子,特瑞尔的处境愈加艰难……
  • 电影恐怖
    Beneath the fake blood and cheap masks of countless haunted house attractions across the country, there are whispers of truly terrifying alternatives. Looking to find an authentic, blood-curdling good fright for Halloween, five friends set off on a road trip in an RV to track down these underground Haunts. Just when th…
  • 城市孩子
    Alex(Gregory Gilmore)Alex is smart, skeptical, and intentionally un-hip, but can't seem to overcome his self-conscious nature. His shyness and lack of confidence keep him from getting what he wants: a girlfriend, a better job, and a more exciting life. Alex tends to develop frustrating crushes on unattainable women. Al…
  • 卡通之谜
    本片叙述了一个叫做Kidd Video的四人加利福尼亚的青年演唱组合的惊奇卡通之旅。一天,他们在一个旧货仓库彩排表演。突然,四人身边的一面镜子里现出了图像,一个叫做Master Blaster的卡通人物出现在镜中,他按动了椅子上的按钮,把整个乐队带到了一个摇滚的世界,这是一个被称作弗里卜塞德的世界。这是一个兴旺的,没有威胁的世界,到处都是Ki…
  • 综艺真人秀